Due to the aggravation of the COVID-19 spread, considering the recommendations of the competent authorities and in commitment to our employees and customers, we inform that since march-23-2020, the BSOTS team continues with its activities normally, working from home office and job rotation.
1 - BSOTS is committed to mediate the rent contracts, of clients and non-clients, without additional charges during the New Coronavirus Pandemic or while its financial impacts remain;
2 - All negotiations and renegotiations will be carried out by video conference, by a specialized professional, with the subsequent elaboration of an addendum and electronic submission to both parties, free of charge and with the necessary legal validity;
3 - BSOTS suspended all rent administration charges for a period of 3 (three) months, from the current contracts and will extend to future contracts or subject to renegotiation;
With these measures, BSOTS reinforces its institutional commitment to collaborate in the development of the real estate market, bringing free and specialized contract renegotiation solutions.
BSOTS - Business Estate Solutions